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Cyber Security Awareness

Specialized Consulting on cyber security awareness life cycle.

Cyber Security: Welcome

Assess & Detect

Use systematic approach to assessments of your IT infrastructure to uncover any risks you might be unaware of.

Security Camera Video Surveillance

Review & Audit

Use proven track record to review findings and refine the infrastructure to make them more robust and secure.

Team Talk

Action & Continuous

Build up comprehensive response strategy, to quickly react to a security breach when it happens, as well as contingencies for critical systems and applications.

Cyber Security: Service

IT Audit and Information System Security

By identification, analysis, and mitigation or removal of potential risks, to maintain the function of the information system and the overall business.

Cyber Security: Project
Electronic Wires

IT System Audit, Review and Assessment

IT audit include assessment of IT system management, and its linkage between corporate management, vision, mission and organizational goals.

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